March 14, 2025
Personal Life Betterment

Education is Important

 A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special.”  -Nelson Mandela

Education plays a very important role in every aspect of our life. A person who understands the practical applicability of education is successful in his life.Being a student, merely rending the textual things and scoring good marks is not important. What is important is to understand how it is going to make our life beautiful for us and everyone around us.That’s why an educated mind and a good heart combine together to create revolutionary changes in the society.

Education is about learning skills and knowledge. It helps us to build opinions and have our own point of view on different things  in life. The process by which an individual acquires new skills, behaviors or understanding, often in a formal or informal setting is called education.

An individual’s personality is the sum total of person’s quality, characteristics,attitudes,quirks, psychological traits, beliefs and motives which make up his identity. Personality doesn’t mean only your outlook. Personality development means improvement in all spheres of an individual’s life.

“Personality is the sum and organization of those traits which determine the role of the individual in the group.”

– By Robert Park and Earnest Bugess

The role that education plays in shaping our personality is matchless. Being educated means to elevate our personalities. One’s personality development is as important as being educated. Elevated personality pushes us to move forward and outshine in the crowd. But for having a good personality education is very important. There are many such personalities who have set forth their lives as an example for the society like Bill Gates, Stephen Hawkins etc.

Through the education, an individual learns that how should we behave with others. People’s behaviour get them respect in the society. A wrong behavior can spoil the personality of any individual. In educational system, people learn the code of conduct that how to behave with others. An educated person knows that how to act at different places. Education teaches us that what kind of words we should use when we talk to others. An educated individual know that that we should never use any kind of abusive language with others. Education teaches us  that how can we control our emotions. In our society, we have to communicate rightly and behave properly. The time when you are  walking along with the society, is a real practical of your code of conduct.

Positivity allows a person to deal with difficulties successfully. Education teaches us to be positive. Those people have positive attitude can easily remove hurdles of their ways. Through the education, an individual can develop a positive attitude towards things and people. Education teaches us that everything which exists in this world have some negative aspects as well as some positive aspects. So, we shouldn’t ponder over only the negativity in someone , we should also watch and think upon the positive aspects of the things, people or situations. Then we could be able to understand things properly. The person who is able to correct other’s mistakes as well is considered as a good personality. With the help of education an individual can be aware of his personal and political rights. It tells us how to get our rights and also how to respect  other people’s rights. Education teaches us that everyone is equal in our society. It tells us about our duties also. It teaches us to be a good citizen, treat the woman on equal level, give vote, and acquire the human rights .

Education enhances our knowledge by providing us useful information; “Old information” and “new information”. It gives us general information in various subjects like History, Geography, Civics, Science etc and we come to know about the  things clearly. It gets us updated about new information in various fields like technology and new inventions etc.

Education also helps us in increasing confidence in various ways like communication, decision making, meeting challenges, receiving feedback and improving self confidence.

  • Decision Making– The best decisions are backed by knowledge and When we have deeper understanding of anything then we are in the position of making confident decisions.
  • Meeting Challenges – Education teach us that how to manage activities and if any problem arises at the same time-how to solve it confidently.
  • Receiving Feedback – Teachers feedback always boosts the confidence in the students. Negative feedback forces student to do better next time and by getting positive feedback students do something new in that area.

Education provide us many opportunities and many experiences. When we get different opportunities,  we show off our personality and make it even better. Opportunities and experiences both words are interrelated. Opportunity brings to us many new things with new experiences.We take those experiences only when we take up the opportunities rightly as provided by education.


Along with all kind of real knowledge and bookish knowledge, teachers also impart moral values in students and from these moral values they learn the healthy habits and try to inculcate to them. Healthy habits like how timely we can done our work, keep the surroundings neat and clean and to do a work in disciplined manner, etc. So, through these healthy habits education helps us in development of personality.

Education teach us ethics which helps us to go to  a right path and  adopt the right things.Then we do all the things in a fair manner only to become successful.So, Ethics always improves our personality in a positive way.

“In civilized life, law floats in a sea of ethics.”  -Warren

We see many great personalities around us whom we can follow and admire . When we see them, we think to be like them. But it needs hard work and patience. For changing personality, Education is a weapon which can be used by us.To bring about a great change in personality, you need to get the education first. Education can give almost everything and good personality is one of them.

It’s nevertheless to say that education is foundation stone of a great personality.

“Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a mine worker can become the head of the mine, that a child of farm workers can become the president of a great nation. It is what we make out of what we have, not what we are given, that separates one person from another”.

-Nelson mandela

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