Have you ever found yourself scrolling through your social media accounts and wishing that your life looked like that of the influencers or celebrities who populate your feed?
I guess we’ve all been guilty of that – comparing our own lives to those of others – at some point or the other. No matter how much we logically realize that what we see on social media is really just a curated feed of someone else’s life, it still feels as if our own lives are somehow far removed from that touch of magic, that sense of put-togetherness that seems to be the norm on Pinterest and Instagram.
But what if we stopped for just one second? What would happen then? What if stopped the cycle of ‘I don’t have enough’ for just one second and really took stock of our lives and what we truly have?
I’d say that for most of us, we’ll find that we already have a lot of things to be thankful for. It’s just that we get often get stuck in the routine-ness of living and forget to, well, simply put, smell the roses. And of course, all that constant social media comparison does not help.
So, instead of constantly wanting more, how about we take a little bit of time to revel in what we already have and simply appreciate the beauty and magic that already surrounds us? Or as the trendy TikTokers and Youtubers would say, what if we learn to romanticize our life as it is?
Romanticize Your Life – What Does it Even Mean?
At the heart of it, to me, romanticizing your life means appreciating the little things. Reveling in the simple joys. Celebrating the small (and big) wins. Loving your life. Owning your life, your story, unapologetically.
It means to be open and inviting. Living in the now, not always looking forward or backward (although we do love reminiscing). It also means that you have to believe it can happen for yourself first before others will catch on.
How to Romanticize Your Life – A Simple Guide
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Romanticizing your life might sound like a lofty, aspirational goal but I’ve put together a few ideas that you can take inspiration from.
1| Ditch the negativity
In order to romanticize your life, you must first remove the negative from your thoughts. If you are constantly thinking about how hard your day was, or what’s going on in other people’s lives, or the negative news media spiral, it will become that much harder to look at the positive things in your own life.
2| Let go of the comparison mindset
Constantly trying to keep up with Joneses can get exhausting (and expensive) real soon. I don’t mean to suggest that you can’t aspire for more in your life but do it for your real happiness rather than for matching up to someone else’s seemingly picture-perfect life.
3| Live your life by your own rules
This is YOUR life. Stop living it according to someone else’s expectations. Make your own rules and stop apologizing for wanting and doing what you want to do.
4| Take time to do what you love right now
This is your one and only life. No excuses. Don’t put off doing things that you love for the elusive tomorrow.
5| Find the beauty in small things
Notice when something is lovely, exquisite, or amazing, and take a moment to appreciate it. A sunset, your child’s laugh, an old friend coming for dinner – each one of these has fabulous power over us that can be enhanced by our noticing and savoring them.
6| Bring in the light
Open your blinds and curtains. Let the natural light into your home. Light those pretty candles every evening. Add those fairy lights to your windows.
7| Read books that inspire slow living
Take a break from the constant go-go-go nature of our modern-day lives and invite a little bit of dreamy slow living into your life. These books provide plenty of slow living ideas without necessarily needing you to give up the big life.
8| Wear clothes that make you feel good
No matter what your size or shape, you deserve to wear clothes that make you feel your very best. Choose fabrics that feel good on your skin. Go for cuts that make you feel more confident and put together. Don’t put off buying/wearing flattering clothes for *that time after you reached your goal weight*.
9| Honor your body
Yes, you can be thankful for your body as it is today while continuing to become stronger and fitter. And the better you treat your body, the better it will support you and the life you want to live.
10| Compliment someone else
There is something to be said for seeing someone’s face light up on receiving a genuine compliment. Bonus points to you if you make it about something beyond their looks or appearance.
11| Play tourist in your own city
Try to see your city with the eyes of someone who does not live there every day. What places would they visit? What things would they do? What street food would they seek out? What shops would they go to? Where would they find a quiet moment from all the chaos?
12| Don’t do everything for the sake of the ‘gram
Social media rewards prettiness. While there is NOTHING wrong with seeking more prettiness in your life, don’t do it only for the sake of more likes. Also, it does not take a lot to blur the lines between prettiness and constantly striving for picture perfection. Every once in a while check in with your REAL motivation for doing what you’re doing.
13| Treat yourself every once in a while
Order that decadent chocolate cake. Book yourself on that holiday you’ve been dreaming of for months. Buy that gorgeous pair of shoes you’ve been eyeing. And no, it’s no longer a treat if you’re indulging yourself every damn day!
14| Forgive yourself for your mistakes
You’re only human. Mistakes happen, and the best way to not make them again is by learning from what you’ve done wrong in the past. Forgiveness is an act of self-care that will lead to a more peaceful life! And while you’re at it, extend that kindness to those around you. Remember the lesson, but let go of the ill-feeling or grudge.
15| Create soothing rituals
Rituals help us bring some sense of order in our often chaotic lives and can often make transitions easier. Make some routines and rituals out of things that please and invigorate you. Pencil in a relaxing bath with lots of bath bombs and essential oils every Sunday evening. Visit a museum or a park by yourself on a weekend morning. Wind down with a cup of chamomile tea every evening.
16| Enjoy a meal outside
Be a small picnic with friends, or dining al-fresco, or enjoying a sandwich in the park on your lunch break – there is something inherently magical about eating a meal outside.
17| Learn to enjoy your own company
Learning to date yourself and enjoying your own company can be one of the most pleasurable things to do for yourself. Find ways of spending time on yourself, by yourself, that are meaningful for you.

18| Get your friends together for a woo-woo party
If you and your friends have a fascination for woo-woo and mystical things, why not invite them over for a night of say, tarot card reading or vision boarding, and have some fun times together!
19| Say no when you need to
Saying yes all the time, even if it’s an “emotional yes,” can be a terrible habit. Learn how to make your own boundaries and stick with them.
20| Do more of the things that inspire you
Is there something in your life that sparks joy? That lifts your spirits and makes you feel good? Start doing it more often.
21| Throw a dinner party just like that
If you’re craving some social interactions, why not try throw a dinner party just to get together with friends and family? Make it as fancy or as simple (potluck, anyone?) as you want to and just celebrating living.
22| Curate your social media feeds with care
We are what we consume. Since we spend so much of our day online and on various social media platforms, be extra vigilant about the kind of content you’re consuming. Do occasional media audits to weed out accounts that only make you feel bad about your own life or put you in a negative, complaining state of mind.
23| Make memories, not just content
Don’t view everything that you do – be it the cake you’re baking, or the company of friends you’re enjoying, or the book you’re reading – as something to be shared online. Take time to enjoy things for what they are, not for the number of likes they can get you on social media.
24| Create an analog life
Somewhat a continuation of the last point – strive for a balance between your digital life and your analog life. In fact, learning to create meaningful pockets of ‘analog time’ can be a game-changer for your physical and mental health. Turn off the computer, put down the phone and leave your tablet at home for an hour or two every day. You’ll be surprised how refreshing it can feel!
What Romanticizing Your Life is Not
Romanticizing your life isn’t about living life with blinders on, or viewing everything through rose-colored glasses, and it certainly does not mean that everything in your life is perfect.
The way I see it, it simply means amplifying the good that already exists in your life and taking your time to appreciate the small joys along the way. It means taking control of your own life and happiness and learning to live on your terms.
I hope these tips on romanticizing your life have resonated and helped you to see how just a little dose of positivity and dreaminess in your day-to-day life can dramatically impact the quality of your life. Don’t let your life simply pass you by. You are worth more than that.
If you have any ‘romanticizing your life’ tips of your own, feel free to share them in the comments section below!